Monday, April 28, 2014

X for XOXO

X is an another of the alphabets that leave you flummoxed in A-Z challenges. After thinking about X for Xerox, and the usual wordplay of masking the 'e' that occurs in most words to get an 'X' word, I just decided to go for the symbol XOXO.

Does this image bring back familiar memories? Yes, it is the good old game of tic tac toe on paper. Many of my college notebooks had this scribbled on their last pages, the outcome of sitting through some very boring classes. I was a regular student, writing down notes diligently, bunking occasional classes and struggling to look alert in some of the not so interesting classes. And this game along with doodling was something that did its best to make us look like model students :P

Of course, there is another XOXO that comes to mind, the one we use to sign off our personal mails to mean hugs and kisses.

This post is shared with April A-Z blogging challenge for the alphabet X.
Picture is from Google images


  1. Very interesting, Reshma. I was also reminded of my college days. We were never tired of this XOXO game. xxxxxxxxhugs

    1. Thank you for your kind encouragement Ushaji :) (hugs)

  2. Tic tac toe was always a favorite during boring lectures :-)

  3. We still play it sometimes when bored in a meeting or workshop!!
    XOXO Reshma ♥

  4. I always like the Hugs and Kisses meaning .


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