Monday, April 21, 2014

Q for quirky Q

The alphabet 'Q' is the second rarest alphabet to be used after 'Z' and for most part it is invariably followed by alphabet 'U'. It really is a queen of rare letters. Whenever I picked up the 'Q' tile in scrabble, I have fervently searched for a 'U' tile for that seems to be the only logical direction to proceed. I'm quite sure, many of you have been stuck in the same quagmire. Think about this queerness. Can you list out words that begin with 'Q' but are not followed by 'U'. Take quick peek into the dictionary in the quest for "q" words and you will no longer question this quaint quality or quirk of Q for your doubts will be quelled by the quantity of words with q followed by a u.

Don't quit, the answers to the quiz on Q (some of the words that begin with Q but not followed by U)-
Qawwali and a bunch of words with arabic origin like Qaid, QadiQasida

This was a quibble (a play on words)!! Ok I'll be quiet now, no more quips :P

Just one more , couldn't resist putting up this quote from Ambrose Bierce.

This post is shared with April A-Z blogging challenge for alphabet Q
Picture is  from


  1. Now my thirst for Q words has been quenched.

  2. Wow! That was quite a quintessential post :D

  3. Good list of Qs without U. Will be useful in Scrabble.

  4. Q's may q(queue),but without the twin-sibling 'U' Q looms only in proper nouns. I have arrows seldom in my quiver to shoot at your quiz.So quite quietly I quit the scene.
    Very nice and interesting. Reshma.


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