Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A for Assorted

We have all come across packages labeled "assorted" be it a gift wrapped box of assorted sweets or assorted chocolates. I still have most of the crayons from the assorted color set I used for drawing class during my school days. When I first saw that word on the crayon box, I did not even know how to pronounce it or what it meant, but I just liked that word. 

Over the years I understood that assorted means a collection or a group. According to Oxford dictionary, the word assorted means 'Of various sorts put together; miscellaneous'. I feel it represents the variety that is a feature of everything in the world around us. A bouquet of flowers put together in a vase brightens the room it is placed in, a string of notes played by a collection of instruments makes us tap our feet in delight. A spectrum of colors makes the world visually appealing. The food we eat is a combination of nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber, minerals, proteins and vitamins. It is also an assortment of flavors i.e., sweet, sour, salty, bitter, hot or spicy and astringent much like life. Life is a blend of delight, despair, dreams, doubts, trials and triumphs. This blend is as unique our DNA strands and so each of us have our own unique identities and life stories. Each day we come across a variety of people who differ in their appearance and attitude. Each one is different in their own way yet similar in a peculiar manner. This seemingly different yet similar nature of the world around us is what makes life alluring and interesting. After all variety is the spice of life.

This post is shared with  April A-Z blogging challenge and today's alphabet is A.


  1. Love the word "assorted". Reminds me of assorted cookies and assorted horse's douvers (hors d'oeuvres).

    1. Me too SG :) I just love gorging on assorted chocolates :P

  2. Reshma ,assorted is a fine word. It is an assortment of what we see around us all the time.

  3. variety is the spice of life. An assortment of what all can be assorted :)

  4. Assorted actually entered into my mind as things not sorted out.Now only I understood the dictionary meaning,though the sense had clicked me right.Life itself is a blend of assortment many a time.Nice thought,Reshma.

    1. Glad you enjoyed my post, Thank you for your kind words Sarala :)

  5. Having a vast assortment is way more fun. As Rahmath says...it is the spice of life and makes it worth living. ♥

  6. Very colorful way of speaking on the diversities of life. Enjoyed the read.

    ~Sha', fellow A to Z'er

    1. Please you enjoyed this post Sha' :) Thank you for dropping by :)

  7. We love having Variety right :)
    Nice post!

    1. Oh yes, we can never have enough of variety. Thanks Ananya :)

  8. true...just like we need a variety of blogs to read :)

    1. You said it Enchantress!! We need a little bit of everything :)

  9. Nice outlook on that lovely A word! I do like your babbling! Jan recently posted http://mermaidsandcashmere.com/bee-balm-aka-wild-bergamot/

    1. Thank you for your kind appreciation Janice :)

  10. Imagine if everyone of us were similar, how boring it would have looked :)

    1. You are right Amrit, we all need variety :)

  11. Variety is the spice of life. Nice topic to write on Reshma.


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