Sunday, November 4, 2012


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 33; the thirty-third edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is 'Celebrations'

55 Fiction is a form of micro fiction that refers to the works of fiction limited to a maximum of fifty five words excluding the title.

People say I am bubbly. You see, after spending most of your life bottled up in a glass cage, it is natural to burst out with joy at the first opportunity you get to see the world, even if it means the countdown to your last few moments has begun...

"Freedom" definitely deserves a celebration!!

People say I am enthusiastic. You see, after staying bundled up tight to brave the cold and often dark winter, it is natural to come out blooming and rejuvenated at the first opportunity you get to feel the sun's warmth, all the more when it means a new beginning...

"Fresh start" definitely leads to celebration!! 


People say I am priceless. You see, after having stayed hidden deep within the mind fearing failure and heartbreak, it is natural to come out dazzling and eager to sow seeds of mirth all around at the first opportunity of victory, especially when it comes after back-breaking hardwork...

"Success" definitely calls for celebration!!


People say I am heart-warming. You see, there is no point in just being cooped up within the heart fearing life and its offerings. Instead it is worth venturing out into the world with courage and relishing simple pleasures of life and unraveling joy all around...

"Spreading cheer" is the true definition of celebration!!


All pictures are from Google images

Note: This post is made up of four 55-fictions, each of which looks at different facet of celebration.
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Introduced By: Sweta Tiwary, Participation Count: 1


  1. Reshma, beautiful take on the subject. I like all four micro 55. Awesome job !!

  2. hmhm... that was diverse and interesting.. Cheers to that and good luck for BAT. :)

  3. Instead of 55 fiction I would say it is a beautiful poetry ... great piece of writing :)

  4. I so feel inspired to write 55 Fiction :D .. It has become very popular now, :P ..
    I liked all the four stories..they were crisp and meaningful!
    I truly agree with you dear.. :)

    ATB for BAT :)

    1. Very true Megha, writing is all about inspiration :)
      Good luck to you too.

  5. Welcome to BlogATon. Well started. I liked all the four.All the best.

  6. Another new entrant in BAT. Great. I am also only 5 posts old in BAT.
    You seem to have a knack of 55 Fictions. :) I really liked the second one of all.
    Keep writing. :)

    ATB for BAT. :)

    1. The more the merrier right? Thanks Harshal :)

  7. That was a real bang on...limitations of words for the overflowing thoughts is a fine art...and a damn tough one i must say...good luck

  8. Gd post in limited word... 55 ya vry ryt freedom and success is true celebration... All d best and happy diwali
    thanks for visiting my blog and commenting there keep visiting

    1. Thanks :) Wish you a very happy and safe diwali too:)

  9. Hi Reshma, Thank you for your feedback and I must say your F-s55 s were absolutely lovely. They all speak of different situations to celebrate. All the best for BAT :)

  10. Very interesting one! All the best for BAT :)

  11. Wonderful take on the theme!! All the best for BAT :)

  12. A new member in the BAT family...WOW!! Welcome dear...All the 55ers were bang on..great job...
    ATB for BAT

  13. i liked all your takes on the subject...but the most i liked was the first one
    ATB for BAT :)

    1. Thanks Karan :) Yeah Freedom is worth celebrating. Good luck to you too

  14. Welcome to BAT Family. Enjoyed all the F55s.

  15. Very interesting 55s...:))Your narration is captivating...

    1. Thanks Panchali :) Glad you liked the narration.

  16. Like all, I appreciate the 4 55-ers.

    Is there some logic to you selecting these four angles to celebration?
    [Stray thought] Am a bit mathematical at times - if you'd have done 5 55-ers, it'd be a bit more magical - 5,55.

    1. Thanks Shri :) Hmmm now that is some food for thought, mathe-magic huh...Never looked at it that way... Will try that sometime though, 5 55-ers :)

  17. Thanks Ashwini:) Enjoyed participating in BAT, that is victory in itself :)

  18. This is a great combo pack Reshma.. Loved all of them... :)
    Sorry for the delay... Happy Diwali.. :)

    1. Thank you for dropping by Ayushi. Happy Diwali to you too :)


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