I missed out taking part in the April A2Z heights challenge at Haikuheights. However I have penned down Haiku inspired by the challenge and will post them in parts. The first part corresponds to the first 7 prompts. The prompts of inspiration are Ascent, Butterfly, Candle, Drone, Eggshells, Fire and open prompt for which I have chosen "Kites".
Higher and higher
desires rise, character falls
lower and lower.
Out of leafy world,
cocooned in a silken curl,
dainty dreams unfurl.
Song of life plays on-
a lilting tune, soothing hymn,
droning melody.
Full nest yesterday,
broken eggshells remain now-
tomorrow begins
Like unabashed greed,
blind anger and deaf ego,
fire burns nonchalant.
Unbridled joy flies,
brightening lives and skies,
stringed paper surprise.
Song of life plays on-
a lilting tune, soothing hymn,
droning melody.
Full nest yesterday,
broken eggshells remain now-
tomorrow begins
Like unabashed greed,
blind anger and deaf ego,
fire burns nonchalant.
Unbridled joy flies,
brightening lives and skies,
stringed paper surprise.